Bible notes.
April 29, 2019
I love looking back through my old Bibles and reading the notes I’ve scribbled. Isaiah 51: 12–14 was highlighted in Romania as I sat with Lidi and Jeremiah Russu.
Lidi clung to this verse 4 years before
Jeremiah was in prison for possessing Bibles. Lidi was quaking at home with their two babies. Nicolae Ceausescu was a violent leader killing at will.
She tossed and turned fearing that she would never see her husband again. She picked up her Bible and read. “ I am he who comforts you: why then are you afraid of a mere mortal who must die, a human being who fades like grass? The oppressed shall speedily be released.”
Comfort flooded her. She slept the deep sleep of peace. Jeremiah was released! Ceausescu was later killed.
I was humbled to sit in the presence of this bold young mother.