Beatitude # 7
October 24, 2019
We know today that groups are hired to protest, disrupt, and create strife. They are paid to fuel conflict.
I go to God’s word for understanding and wisdom. Jesus teaches in Matthew 5: 9 the seventh beatitude. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. This is possibly the most difficult beatitude to pursue. Our world is full of conflict, families, countries, even churches. Yet God has called us to peace. I Corinthians 7: 15 God has called us to live in peace.
I’m comforted by Romans 12: 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
We can listen to all voices. We can speak with reason and gentleness what we believe and why. We can be kind and forgiving. We can pray.