Beatitude # 1

Whether you are a new Christ follower or a mature believer, reading, feeding on, learning the beatitudes are a great benefit.  If you want a blessed life, here’s how to receive it.


First, be poor in spirit.  How counter-cultural today.  To be poor in spirit  means  we recognize we don’t have what’s necessary to live as God asks us to live.  It’s not about modesty, denying God’s gifts in us, its but recognizing that we have nothing compared what God asks.  We face circumstances we cannot overcome.  We have nothing.  We’re empty handed.  We humble ourselves before God.  This is precisely the person God lifts up.  He opposes the proud, gives grace to the humble.


We no longer are self centered.  We are empty handed before God.  The blessing?  We will receive the Kingdom of God.