Age spending well.

m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M Vintage folks are often fearful of spending down their nest egg.  Why?  Often there are uncertainties about the future, fluctuations in that nest egg, unpredictable health care issues.  Sometimes its simply frugal habits.

V Its good to have a plan.  Aging itself slows spending, less travel, less buying.  We encourage you to enjoy the fruits of saving, take that trip and buy flowers.  Give to your favorite charities.  Give to family with a warm hand.  Enjoy seeing the difference your generosity makes in their lives.

M God encourages planning.  However, remember Matthew 6: 21.  Invest in heaven.  Its all His and give thanks.