A cheerful heart
July 26, 2019
We celebrated a special birthday with a special lady recently. She’s one I call when I’m sagging, needing to get my focus off myself, needing encouragement. As others in the room spoke, many do what I do—reach out to Kathy! Her positive perspective is contagious. Her life has hardships aplenty. Weekly chemo and other stuff. Yet, she is a Proverbs 17: 22 person. ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.’
Her cheerful heart sees good in everyone, gets to know and encourage nurses and doctors around her. She never complains. When slighted, she choses to lay that aside and move forward.
After our conversations, I determine that I want to be like Kathy. Why? Because she is a Christ follower getting her cheer from Him.