3—6 month cushion

M  I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.

M  One hard lesson from these uncertain times is the necessity of having that 3—6 month cushion in our spending plan. Maybe too late for today, but let’s look forward.  Now we have the motivation, see the necessity or having that reserve.

V  Start now.  Even if its a few dollars a month, set aside something.  Building slowly is better than not building at all.  Few of us are driving to work, or anywhere. Put transportation money into the cushion.  That start will encourage you to keep going.

M We’re not saying these days are without the temptation or financial fears.   We are saying that all experiences can bless us with wisdom.  We learn that many of our needs were really wants.