Conflict Between Nations #2

Conflicts between nations are continual.  Somewhere on our planet, there is always a war, usually many.  Locations change, languages, cultures, dress, and more.  Yet motivations are ever the same.  Greed, power, ever the desire of humans to be their own god.

Let’s remember the final word.  Revelation 21 describes our destination, the Holy City.  There’s room for everyone, its beauty beyond our imagination, full of peace, no tears, no Kleenexes, no fear, no door locks, no disease, no prescription drugs, no hospitals, or cemeteries. Only pleasant noises are heard, not whining furnaces, crying, or sobbing, no blaring horns or sirens.  No smog, no homelessness, its gates are always open, no dreary darkness.

Who would not desire this beyond anything?  My friend, claim Jesus and that city will be your address.