Useless Vows

Have you ever promised God that you would do___fill in the blank, if He would do ___fill in the blank?  Scripture has several examples. Like Samuels mother, childless before his birth I Samuel 1: 11.

Genesis 28: 20—22 promise is and example of a useless vow.  Jacob promised God he would do specific things if God gave him food and clothing and return to his fathers house.

God had already promised him all of that.  Genesis 28: 13—15.

Consider this. Remember that God has already promised us contentment, whatever the provision and circumstance.  He has promised us Heaven ahead, regardless of turmoil today.  These are just a few of his promises.

He still welcomes and hears every request we bring to Him.  Everything matters.  When we pray, “Father, your will be done.” He answers that every time.