Abraham Lincoln and silence.

Abraham Lincoln made an insightful statement about slavery.  Every arena was silent. He stated that governments wouldn’t talk about it, nor churches, or any one!  Silence was deafening.  Martin Luther King, Jr stated similarly, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”   I agree.  That’s why I started this ministry.  The plight of many widows,  here and worldwide, can’t be ignored.  Scripture instructs us to plead the case of the widow.

I reach out through Widowconnection.com, my book From One Widow to Another,  and many resources including this feature, New Beginnings.

You can too.  Call a widow you know.  “I thought about you today.  Would you like a companion on a walk?  Let’s meet for coffee?  Make an offer. Speak up.