Moms in the workforce

I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M I recently spoke with a mom who reentered the workforce after ‘time out’ for 3 children.  First, being a Mom is no time out, though some think so.  She is juggling finding what she could do before, and the reality that there are not enough hours in the day to do those tasks, given her work.

V  Don’t let the ‘I can do it all’ lie grab you. As a couple, revisit your spending plan, not when the two of you are tired or hungry.  Change is necessary. Tasks Mom’s do have value.  What tasks have you done might need to be paid for now.  Groceries delivered? Help with cleaning?  Talk together, pray, and revise your spending plan.