Stewardship during uncertainty

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M  Are you wondering how you can help those in need these days?  Spending more time in our homes, many are discovering what they don’t need, or seldom use.  Donation sites are open!

V  Salvation Army is widely known as a leader in helping the most vulnerable.  From addiction centers to thrift stores, they and others provide inexpensive useable items to many.  Food banks have regulations and instructions.  No expired items, and specifics for food and non food items.  Our county has a  organization that provides diapers!  They’re expensive and required for working Moms to have their infants in day care.

M  Explore what you can give.  Make it a family discussion and activity.  It is more blessed to give than receive.