Dust settling # 3
August 4, 2021
Our countries Declaration of Independence has been tarnished and ignored. ‘all men are created equal’ ‘with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.
Do we see each person equal in value? Each person in the news, behind the camera, microphone, badge, medical gown, judicial robe, behind bars, each person is equal in value.
Can each pursue life? In my city there have been 200 murders this year. Pursuing life, hard in many places.. Liberty is fleeting. Pandemic lock downs mean that I am not free to worship with others.
Our government can not deliver these rights. God can. Only through the love He infuses in us through Jesus. Its a heart beginning that cannot be stopped.
Let’s start with one act of kindness to someone outside our favored and comfortable position.