The prayer challenge

Are you befuddled when you kneel in prayer for your children?  I am.  Adult children, third generation.  Their challenges are so huge and so different these days.  My friend Margaret gave me the best prayer tip ever.  Pray each of the 10 commandments for them.  It’s a powerful prayer list:

Honor God first.  Don’t idolize any thing or anybody. Honor your father and mother.  Don’t covet i.e. be content with your stuff.  Don’t misuse or abuse my name.  Set aside a day to focus on me.  Don’t kill, commit adultery, steal, or lie.

We know these are prayers in God’s will.  And they will protect our children, young, middle age, any age,  in relationships, from violating the law, in work, living in community, and eternity.

Now that’s praying!