
I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

Does Scripture talk about your car?  Yes,  Proverbs states that if you don’t have an ox, you won’t have crops.  For some, a car is a necessity.  Oxen needed to be maintained, so do cars.

V  Lets talk about purchase price.  New means when you drive it off the lot, the value goes down.  Buying used avoids that, but means do your homework on that car.  Where do you get the money?  If at all possible, buy with cash.  If you finance a car you are lighting a match to the interest you pay.  New does not mean safe.  Research  problems and repair records before you chose.

M  Your ‘ox’ need not be beautiful, but it needs to serve your purposes.