Thrift stores

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M   Budget champions are friends of thrift stores.  Benefits—your gently used stuff gets a new life serving another.  Clothes, lamps, appliances, even furniture.  Wander around.  There’s variety.  Grand bargains to be found.

V Added benefit.  Check your pride at the door.  Put on a spirit of frugality, a good cloak better than pride.  These stores provide employment opportunities, reduced waste for all.  Thrift stores are helpful in many ways including that benefit for your budget. You can donate create space and declutter.  Look around at your space, now more sparse, you’ll experience a sense order. Make it a family activity.  Children can learn.  Let those items be used by others and get a tax deduction.  As they say.  “Its all good!”