Little known stories # 1 Widow and her pot of oil

The greatest stories ever told and the seeds for all others are found in the Bible. Many people who have never read God’s Word have heard of David and Goliath, Samson, and Paul the apostle. However, many of the priceless jewels of this eternal book are found in the stories of courageous widows like Tamar and the widow of Zarephath.

How well do you know these often unnamed inspiring women?

The story of the widow and her pot of oil  is told in II Kings 1: 17.  Unnamed,  one of Heaven’s heros.  A faith filled widow.

She was left with great debt by her husband, so great that her children would have to work as slaves.  This widows husband had been a prophet.

Unnamed on earth.  Named, welcomed, and applauded in Heaven.