Disruptions: Churches # 2
September 11, 2020
We do not know what tomorrow holds for churches. God does. The Great Commission in Matthew 28 has not changed. Christ followers are to make disciples. God calls people. They hear His voice and accept who He is. They need to be discipled, taught. How does a Christian live in his or her job, workplace, family, neighborhood, community, country?
How are we, as a church doing on that? These are days to consider and evaluate, ‘what has the body of Christ been doing?’ ‘How’s discipleship going?’ Teaching us to obey every command of our Lord?
Have we sorted out what commands are palatable to our ‘constituents,’ our members?
Our country has removed many of His commandments. But families can teach our children about marriage between a man and a woman. Churches may not. Yet God is never silenced.