The rich, young ruler
August 27, 2020
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money
M The gospels record a conversation between a rich young ruler and Jesus. His youth and riches weren’t enough. He wanted the good life in Heaven after this life and asked Jesus how to get it. “Keep the commandments,” was Jesus answer.
V The ruler countered. ‘Which ones?’ Jesus answered with a long list. The ruler could check them all off! He asked, ‘Which one do I lack?’ Jesus challenged him to give his wealth the the poor. The rich young ruler turned away, sad. He couldn’t do it. He could not keep the first commandment. “Have no other gods before me.”
M Jesus saw his heart. He sees ours too. Why clutch what is God’s on loan to us? God first is imperative.