Jobs in uncertain times.

M  I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.

M  We know that these uncertain times have resulted in job loss.  Some estimates say 10 million with more to come.  What can we do?

V  There’s no shame in having lost your job in this time.  Look to industries that are hiring.  In our area catering services and delivery services are hiring.  Each area is different.  Consider taking free online classes to improve your resume, and simply keep productive in those empty hours.

M  I met a school bus driver now clerking in a grocery store, and volunteering delivering meals through her township.  Creatively, she’s occupied.  Her income is less, but she was smiling and one of the most helpful clerks I have met.

V Creativity and flexibility needed in work searches.