Credit card spending in uncertain times.
May 20, 2020
M I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.
M In uncertain times, days of stress, our emotions can mess with wise spending, or not spending. Comfort food, hoarding unnecessarily, buying something just to get out of the house and be in another environment. That credit card bill does come.
V These are good days to reevaluate our contentment needs. Contentment with less, and example the Apostle Paul says in so many of his letters, replaces the need for comfort. He was in prison, sometimes hungry for sure, not eating what he liked or with the people he loved. If Paul could do that in the strength of our Lord, so can we. God is our contentment and our comfort.