Changing financial direction # 3

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan  and we’re here to talk about money.



M  Families and singles have a financial ship.  Its what we spend, how we live.  Hopefully it represents what you value.  What direction is your ship sailing?  Do you like that?  Are you going where you want to go? Ships are safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.  What matters to you?  Changing directions is not easy.


V  One visual  is the Titanic.  Warnings of icebergs ahead were ignored.  The maiden ships builders substituted smaller bolts in its structure than were adequate for the design.  Neglect, spending too little on vital  ship structure.  Consider that debt, especially credit card  debt is an iceberg.


Consider that inadequate bolts in the structure is like having no realistic spending plan.