
I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money

M We are contacted by many who are hopelessly in debt.  They communicate despair and want solutions.  We, as well as many who base our advice on biblical principles, say ‘shrink your spending plan.’

V You control that credit card swipe, that cash layout.  What can you shrink?  Discretionary is readily changed:  clothing, food, entertainment, possibly even transportation. What can you decide, ‘Not for 6 months.’ We often realize we can delete that expense.   Items that take longer:  housing, cars, utilities.  Some reputable credit management companies will help you consolidate.  Still they require that you shrink your spending.

M We know its not easy.  We know its possible.  Godly accountability and peace of mind make this worthwhile.