Challenge of the beatitudes
October 11, 2019
I’m challenged by the beatitudes. I hunger for God’s blessing. Each of the beatitudes is nothing short of shocking in the prism of our culture today.
poor in spirit,
those who mourn,
hungering and thirsting for righteousness
pure in heart, peacemakers
Should I attain those 7 attributes, heres the eighth: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Those blessings result in persecutions. Why? Our culture, rails against God and all He is and stands for. Humans want to be on our own throne, live as we wish, take all we can. As Christ followers strive to own and grow in these blessings, we will be shining lights, not always a welcome light. But Heaven is ahead face to face with the Giver of the only blessings that matter.