Income inequality # 2

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.

M Income inequality is a common news topic today.  Danger:  it promotes a ‘haves versus the have nots,’  unhealthy comparison AND not a biblical one.  It prompts conflict, even judging people we don’t know.


V  Scripture emphasizes that our worth is not measured by our wealth.  The parable of the rich man showed that hoarding and storing for tomorrow without gratitude to God is a bad thing. Luke 12.  Hebrews 11 lists godly people as our examples.  None are named for their wealth, rather their Spiritual courage.


M Whether poor by this country’s measure, or materially wealthy, the true pearl of great price, the greatest value,  is to be a Christ follower.  That’s worth sacrificing everything to gain.