
I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


M Valerie, you used a new phrase recently. You called tipping  ‘Voluntary wealth redistribution to the working poor.’  Your concept was to tip generously for services, restaurants, hotel cleaning, yard help, and more.  Explain


V Many of these folks doing these jobs are the working poor.  These jobs may be seasonal, minimum wage, folks might be just living on or below the poverty level, barely making an existence.  They’re  working!  Rather than a15% or  20% tip, consider being a cheerful giver.   Lighten their load, bring a smile, let them know they are appreciated.


M Scripture is full of admonitions to help the poor. Job loss,  health crisis, and other stuff.  Let’s expand our view.  The working poor are all around us.  Be that generous, open handed tipper. You are  applauding their hard work.