Exceptional you.

What’s exceptional about you?  I don’t know.  You may not know.  But God does.  He specializes in showing us how exceptional we are in a crisis.


I was in Africa, my ministry– the supplier of sewing machines to a group of widows.  The trainer I hired had never taught groups and she was tired.  She fell asleep, head leaning against the thatched wall.


Miriam, the little girl who learned to sew on Grandma Hattie’s treadle Singer.  Miriam the former high school teacher.


I could teach and I could treadle.  And what fun we had!  The widows and I bonded in a way that never would have happened, had my trainer trained.


My friend,  God has threads in your history that He may need to weave into today’s solution.  You may have forgotten you could.  Your Creator knows you can.