Different investment strategies
July 18, 2019
I’m Miriam Neff with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, Lets talk about money.
M Scripture advises us to save for the future. Where do we invest those resources? Investors are different. Some are aggressive investors (increased risk for increased gain) Moderate investors (blue chip, good dividend record) Conservative (won’t grow much but won’t lose much)
V None of this is iron clad for sure, but true in general. Aggressive might be the racing rabbit tech stocks. Moderate the plodding ox, consumer staples, some utilities. Conservative, the crawling turtle, likely to get where he’s going.
One is not better than another. Psalm 139: 13—16 tells us people are different. . Some of us are risk resistant, don’t sleep will with uncertainly. Others have no fear chip.
M Know yourself, know your goals, work with a team that honors that. And trust in the Lord.