Wishing for influence
May 22, 2019
Be careful what you wish for. Influence is a popular word today, desired by many, possessed by folks who use it wisely and those who do not. Our culture bestows it on persons of wealth, beauty, athleticism, and gifted orators. Some are wise and godly. All are subject to the temptation of believing that position of influence is of their own creation and doing. Not so. God gives breath and weaves each person uniquely in their mother’s womb. Time and circumstance intervene. All are subject to pride and greed. Our culture pushes that, even rewards a haughty, self centered attitude.
Have you been given a position of influence? Bow before God and give thanks. Plead for His direction, grace, and mercy. Surround yourself with godly accountability partners. Servant hearted, God honoring influencers are sorely needed today.