Defining grief

We want to avoid grief at all costs?  Who wants the agony of loss?  Yet let me describe what one woman described.


“The veil of innocence and naiveté that was my carefree life before has been removed from my eyes.  It’s an awakening to a world of pain, suffering, terror, loneliness, aloneness, God, light, belief, faith, awareness, eternity, peace, courage, wisdom, which was not before known. Once I know it, I know it in a very visceral way.  After caring for my dying husband as he made his passage to the other side, I can’t un-know it.


Mourning, in my opinion, is the sadness I’m trying to work through the loss of my husband.”


She found  God, light, belief, faith, awareness, eternity, peace, courage, wisdom, which was not before known.  Treasures indeed.