Machu Picchu lessons

When the going gets tough, what keeps you going?  For many of us who hope to bless others, serve in His Kingdom, hard days are promised.  I took courage for my Africa projects, challenged my by Jill Brisco’s words.  “All the easy places are taken.”


Parallel, I started the hike up the Old Man of Machu Picchu.  Gruelling, indeed.  One third way up, the footholds, niches in the mountain for stairs housed only front half of one’s foot.


Pestering thought.  Give it up Miriam, go back down.  The hardest part is ahead.  Followed by another thought, Don’t turn back until it is impossible for you to take the next step.  One hour later I made it to the top.


Lord help us walk until its impossible to take the next step.