This season for a reason

I puzzle that I had a plan for this season of my life, yet this season is never as I expected.  Still in our family home, living alone—not quite.  As one son has reminded me, “You always have a wing out.”  Meaning 3 of my adult children have moved back—at different times thankfully— grand children, pets, and clutter.  What happened to solitude?  What happened to  space, clean refrigerator?  Reading Scripture I see that God’s plans are often a mystery to us.  I John 3: 2  He does not show us what he is shaping us to be.

Indeed.  I see ‘through a looking glass darkly.’  God’s work at this address is unknown.  He owes me no explanation.  He is expanding my capacity for grace, mercy, endurance patience.  Insight!  Isn’t that always His purpose in any season of our life.  Puzzle solved.