Testing in 2019 # 2

2019 will dish up tests to our faith.  Guaranteed.  That is the reality of being a Christ follower.  That test may be that someone you love is going through the worst of times:  divorce, job loss, addiction, even facing death.  And we are powerless to fix, lessen, intervene.  Like Jesus disciples in the storm tossed sea, Jesus was not in the boat with them.  They felt alone.


Not so.  In the absence of Jesus physical presence today, His Holy Spirit is in us.  He repeatedly tells us.  He is with us.  He’s not leaving us in our troubles. Colossians 1:11 “being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.”



That loved one that we can not spare their hardship, can be trusted into God’s hands.  He has options, possibilities, and power beyond our imagination.