Christmas Day
December 25, 2018
Pause today to think of God’s greatest gift to us. Peace, joy, home, all those are good gifts, but we humans are so concrete. We want more. We focus on our less than ideal circumstances. How do we live peaceably if possible with all people? We’re surrounded with humans. How do we hope when the future has bumps or even looks grim? How can we be joyful when our world is so torn and topsy turvey.
Enter, His greatest gift, His only Son. Gave him up, gave him away. His purpose, so a human, god man, yet human, could show us how.
Jesus lived under Roman rule, jewish, poor, a despised people. His siblings rejected his cause until after his death. Orphaned of his earthly father in his youth. Yet He showed us how.
An incredible huge gift to thank God for today.