The sacrifice of praise

In this season of gift giving, what can we give to God?  He gives us His child, what can we give in return?  Psalm 49 tells us that he needs no ‘thing’  The cattle on a thousand hills are already his.  He owns every animal.  In the Old Testament, they sacrificed animals for Him.  We are told the sacrifice of praise is what He desires.  Praise for good things, good times, prosperity, That’s easy.  Can I praise Him for a broken heart due to a failed relationship this year?  Yes, sacrificially.  Can I trust him when work is hard and finances are tight? Yes, Because I trust Him to bring good, though unseen yet.

Praise Him when 2019 is unseen and unknown.  Employment, health, marriages.  Sacrificial praise tells Him better than anything that we are completely, only trusting Him.