October 15, 2018
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money
M Reality in our economy and world of work these days is things are unpredictable. Loyalty is rare in a job, sectors shrink, technology displaces people. A college degree is no guarantee.
V How do Christ followers prepare? Ecclestastes 11: 6 says
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.
The answer: diversify even with your work opportunities. Updating skills, credentials, and just paying attention to trends. God created us to be learners and workers. He knows before we do of that termination slip.
M Plant, work, pray. The harvest is the Lords’More