Live simply
August 17, 2018
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY,-and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money
M A growing trend is to simplify. Size down in living space, use less stuff. That has become real in our family. Valerie, you’ve become an expert. Tell us the benefits of sizing down.
V Sizing down your space means scrutinizing each item and evaluating what is a necessity. It is amazing how many items on our “wish lists” that we don’t need, and even more amazing how many items we already have that we don’t need. Unload. Why pay for space, storage, heating and cooling or insurance on items we are not using? Why spend the mental energy either?
M A great benefit is having more time and mental focus on what matters: growing our faith, being generous.