Greed’s antidote
May 30, 2018
I’m Miriam Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money.
M Greed is that creeping, ever present sin, yes God calls it sin, that is popular, even promoted in our culture. Comparing and wanting more is the goal of millions of advertising dollars.
V Romans 12 1 and 2 tells us not to be conformed to our culture, but transformed. What displaces greed? Gratitude. Gratitude transforms looking outward to what we don’t have, to looking at what we have. Shoes with holes are better than no shoes. Simple soup is better than hunger. Some one will always have more than you. And some will be content with less.
M Scripture never advises us to compare, but to be content.