Limited time offers

I’m Miriam  Neff-with STARTING OVER FINANCIALLY, and I’m Valerie Neff Hogan, and we’re here to talk about money


Money is attached to our heart strings, and people who want us to buy their product.  Here are strings they pull.  ‘Limited time offer.’  “Only five left, don’t miss this opportunity.”  A television sales channel captured my frugal husband and we ended up owning cheap tools, and another unneeded set of pans.


V  I love to buy with value.  Questions to ask. Do I need this item?  Do I need it now?  What else could I do with that dollar that matches our families values and priorities?  Yes, the sale may be over by then. And that might be a good thing.


M  Here is a heart guard.  Make sure your heart is closely directed, connected, and responsive to God.