Not Alone: Bathsheba

Do you feel you are in impossible circumstances?  When impossible threatens to take you down, consider Bathsheba and her circumstance.  Her story is told in II Samuel 11 and 12. Enter her world.


Walk with me as two of the Kings men escort me to an obscure entrance to his palace.  My husband, my King’s  elite mercenary soldier, is on the front lines of the battlefield.  This escort makes no sense.  Curiosity in my soul is crowded out.  Dread grips my mind and then wraps its tentacles around my heart. I am being ushered into the Kings bedroom.  I am Bathsheba.


I write her story in Not Alone.  Nonconsensual sex, the murder of her husband, death of her firstborn son.  Yet she was resilient.   Read her story and know that you can be as well.