Little known stories # 2 Widow of Zarapath

Many know the story of Jonah and the whale.  But few know of unnamed people in the Bible who acted courageously as well.  Here’s a quiz question.  Who is this widow?


A man of God saved my sons life– twice.

Hint:  She was starving, collecting wood to cook their last meal and Elijah asked her for water.  No cost, only effort.  And then he asked her for bread.  A sacrifice!  Her story is inspiring.  This gentile widow responded to the request of Jewish man. God reached to a gentile widow!  Widow or not, you’ll be inspired to see that God can work in the worst of circumstances, loving people others do not notice.


Answer:  The Widow at Zarephath  Read  I Kings 17: 7–24 and be inspired.